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Saturday, December 5, 2015

Reviving after the holidays

For me recovering after the holidays means me resting and not getting too stressed. Well that didn't happen and I went into a fibro flair. This last week I have been very sick and just trying to get better. School has been light with lots of reading and getting organized again. Just when I think life is calming down get thrown another blow. Please keep my dad in your thought and prayers as he has not been feeling good. Over the last couple of days his feet, legs and even stomach started filling with fluid. He is being taken care of at the hospital but is still very very stressful. I am sure that I will have a flair again as I can feel it. There has been some positive out of this all is that the kids not wanting mom to hurt have learned more about empathy and were even playing nicely together. They were playing out how they should act in different situations around town. They also began to create a metropolitan in minecraft. Each day is a perfect and new day. Be blessed and love your family and friends. Even though I have so many things I could grump about each day I gratefully wake up and happy that I get another day to spend with family and friends. Make something new happen each day and do something good for someone else. Even if that means just being there not saying a word. That means more then anything. Just as you reading and liking this means the world to me knowing that you cared enough to take your time to read my thoughts. I will be back to posting new stuff everyday after it calms down. Have a great rest of the weekend and hug everyone extra tight.

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