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Monday, November 30, 2015

Who made it through the holidays?

I think I have made it through this crazy late week/weekend. When you run a small business it becomes crazy trying to keep up with sales posts. Then getting your own sales at the same time. Then let's throw in the mix family you would rather them take a long walk off a short pier. (We all have that one or two in every family) I was respectful and didn't talk much to them. Just ate, spent some time with the ones that mattered, and left. I work hard at my reviews and so much more. Got a really nice gift for my mil and fil well of course not good enough and that I got a better deal then she can ever get that I got junk and it is used. Well she don't know anything and don't care to talk to me. These are those people well they don't want their gifts then I will have a prize giveaway for them here. I am also getting other items in here that I plan to do giveaways here soon. Make someone Christmas better. I love giving and want nothing in return. All I ask that you go to Special needs homeschooling and check out their great site. All funds going to help a great family and their is more information on their page about their family and health issues they have been having. Go check out my web site also Ann's bling jic there are many great gifts there and helps me bring you more great deals and giveaways. Just remeber the true reason for the season. Giving is so much better and if you know someone that is down. Try to help them a bag of groceries, purchasing from their store, or even a card can make the world of difference. When I give I don't ever expect anything in return. May you be bless this holiday season. Hug your loved ones even closer. Have a great evening and will be back tomorrow.

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