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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

missed you all

Sorry that I have been gone. What started it was after thanksgiving my dad was not feeling good and well two weekends ago he had to go into the hospital. Found out he has heart failure and edema. This has been a long time coming and new it would happen someday. There was of course changes and for my dad who don't like change has been a little stubborn on it all. We are not fully set but better. This is why I have not been posting much as taking care of my dad, homeschooling, and trying to keep my house up all of my spoons were gone for the day. Then over this last weekend going at 150% for so long i had a fibro flair like I have not had in a long time. I am now finally getting back to me and getting it all set but with any change to whole family that it is very hard. How I have been holding it all together is in my free time to pop in on facebook and just work on my business. It kept my brain busy. We have done a little change with our homeschooling is that they were given tools, nails, and wood. We told them to be creative and they come up with some wonderful items. Using real life skills are very important as part of our homeschooling. We told them the rules with tools and let them be creative. Sometimes parents step in when they think they know best. It is hard to make sure that they are doing it right and controlling their project. We have been doing on the road learning and even yesterday we got a tour of where daddy works and all the different parts of production. With this crazy schedule lately everyone has been a little off and we are working together to get it back. With all this on the road has taken a toll on our Christmas budget. If you would like to help our family out by making a purchase on my website Ann's Bling JIC I would be grateful. Helping with a purchase is not only helping our family but will be helping the food shelf in Gaylord, MN. This time of year it is hard and alll families and lets help them out here. Get yourself or that loved one in your life the 2 gifts in one candle/tart. There are prize candles/tarts where you get special prizes and one is the grand prize winner of a $20,000 jewelry set! Have a great rest of the day and thank you for stopping in.

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