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Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to streamline your house

I have a crazy house running my home business, writing a book, homeschooling, and everything else that comes to being a mom. Sometimes us moms and stay at home dads wear so many hats and there is not enough time in the day to get it all done. What I have done to streamline the whole operations around here. I have set meal time which kids make breakfast by 8:30 am, lunch at noon and supper around 6 pm. Having just set times for meals helps know when you need to start prepping. The next big step was having a board that list what the kids need to get done in the morning and afternoon. Now that they are almost 11, 9 and almost 8 they can take on more and help mom. The biggest thing is i was beginning to sound like a broken record. No more which has made me happy. Also throwing a load of laundry in every other day drops the amount of weekend work that I have to do. The kids have also been washing dishes everyday because with me having to wash them happened every 3 days with issues standing/back issues that I have. With homeschooling they get to work on these life skills in between school work. There are days yes that we might not get everything I want done for the day, but I find a way to cover it another way. The major subjects that I take care of is math, reading, writing, language arts. The rest of the subjects will come at nights we work on art and social studies. The kids have begun loving art and art study since taking How great thou art. It is great program and well worth it so make sure to check them out. Even better they have a bunch of classes going on and if you can get into one I would say for sure do it. With social studies we have been doing Mysteries of History which is a good talking point and is so much fun with the activities you can create for each lesson. We will be doing a timeline through our whole house using this study as a guide. Science had been easy as it is part of everything in life learning as we go. The kids just researched how leaves change color and with their sister hamster having babies how that all worked. (note they did not make it as mom and dad ate It was fun to find it all out and plays into the science. With it getting chilly sickness has been being shared by so many. There were some down days not only with the kids but husband and myself. Life happens and it is okay to take a few days off. Just remember to take one day at a time and it will all get done. Now to sign off as kids are wanting lunch. Love left over homemade shells and cheese :) add a little milk and back before storing and will not get stiff and dried up. Little hint from my secret mommy book.  

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