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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fibro and how to get through

Having fibromyalgia makes it hard some days. I have only so many spoons to give out. Like this last weekend had two of my kids birthday party and then my sister baby shower. It was crazy and stressful. It took all the spoons and then back up spoons not to loose it. To top it all off in Minnesota we have had cold, wet, raining and just blah days the last few days. So I had to take a time out and Monday and Tuesday where mom days. The kids did some school work and just cleaning after the party. All the skills they need to work on anyway. Cleaning and routine is important to make sure that everything gets done and all part of household. That is very important for my special needs kids is that they learn skills that they will carry through life. Now getting back into a regular schedule we are reviewing and that is ok because we have gone through a lot and progressed so much. Going back and reviewing to make sure they completely caught what was taugh is very important. We will also be creating beautiful crafts. Thank you Pinterest without you some days idk where I would be. Having light days is sometimes needed. Also having days where you just say ok I am done and nothing will get done today is ok also. This time of year with parents who have health issues and having kids that have healt issues it is ok to say I am done. We will be homeschooling even in the summer months and we also do learning on Saturday/Sunday. Each family is different and sometimes life comes up. I love with homeschooling is we can take a notebook of work and they can do their school work while I maybe in a appointment. Next week is dentist for me and a few more dentist appointments over the next few week to get my teeth. I have all kinds of things to copy and put in their on the go folder that they can do and work together on while in the waiting room. I think teacher helper has been my best find. I found tons of the magazines at a box sale. Got teacher helper for 2/3 and primary grades. Score and only cost $2. Being creative is huge when you have health issues. Also having a case of printer paper and printer ink is the best way to bring it all together. On my really bad days and husband is home he will take over even. Giving the torch off to your partner and being ok is sometimes what you have to do also. Just know it will all come together at the right time. I see so many moms saying they are bad and failed as a parent. You tought them to walk and talk. You graduate school. You are perfect according to God otherwise he wouldn't have given you the gift of this life that is your baby. Even if you don't homeschool and just having a bad mommy day. Know that God gave you the gift to be a mother and he knows that you can do it. There will always be ups and downs. What is bad right now will move on and the next time you hit a road bump and think this is the worst ever think back to the last bad time and you made it through. It will be ok and put it all in God's hands he will guide you. Have a blessed day and will be back to posting everyday.

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