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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Be a good person.

Everyone asks how do you get more business? How do I get people to buy from me? I have stuff I know people want why won't they buy? Why am I not making thousands of dollars? It must be this it must be that. Well I am going to break it down. People want to buy from people they know and trust. Have you ever been added to a party by a friend and did know the seller. You really didn't trust them and felt really sold to. Learn to build relationships with people first. Care about them and what is going on with them. People want to be listened to and cared about. Your product will always be there for them to get at anytime. What is important is gaining a friend in the end. That is what I always go for with selling. My stuff will always be there I would rather be your friend first. They don't buy what you sell the buy who and what you are. Also know it takes six good years of blood sweat and tears in your business to become a overnight success. Making contact with new people all the time is very important too. Have you talked to 3 new people a day this week. Nope...well that can stall your business. Think of it as a wheel. You need to make three new contacts a day, promoting everywhere, and taking care of your old customers. This is your wheel to help keep your business going. Making excuses also on why no one is buying is bad. The true definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting new results- Albert Einstein. If you keep sitting at home on your phone all the time you are not going to have any business. Change what you are doing until you get more yes then nos. you can do it. Make yourself a 90 day goal and tack it where you are going to see it everyday. After 90 days you can review. Being now but review January 1st and go then every quarter. This will help keep your eye on the prize. You will make it.

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