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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Morning words

I have to share. I just got off periscope and there was a homeschool mom that really touched me. She is also a small business owner. After listening to her I thought about my own direct sale business. I have not really put the blood, sweat and tears into that I should have been these last few months. Yes the next few months are going to be busy with vendor events but I realized I need to work smarter and get moving. The quota she said was awesome it takes 6 good year to become a overnight success. This is true on so many levels. To get your name out and getting people interested that it takes so much and a long time of putting it out there and waiting. I pray that everyone has success and don't give up. Anyone can make it. I did so many different direct sales and now I have found my one I love so much. Right now I am about to become team leader of my Jewelry in candles team and I have 4 down lines. I have never had this with any other company! If by chance you would like to check out my site

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