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Sunday, October 18, 2015

a little about me

Hello everyone, tonight i am sitting here just thinking that well I have not introduced myself. I am Ann Fries. I am a mother of 3 special needs children, and mother of 2 step children one of who is special needs. Over the last 30 years of my life....shhhh i know women are not supposed to reveal their real I have been though a lot. Growing up in a small town i had 7 younger brothers and sisters and 7 older half brothers and sisters. Yes that is a total of 15 kids. Growing up for a while I was not a really good person but I feel that those years have made me into the person into who I am today. For 5 years I was in a very horrid abusive relationship. After having a gun pulled on me I know that he was not going to change and if I stay he will kill me. What to note that during this time I was also dealing with the path that my mom had passed away at 49 and had 7 younger brothers and sisters still in high school from sr. on down. This was on top of my kids being ages 3 down to a few month old of my own. I packed the kids and myself and left. In my lonely time my current, sweet hubby, was in the process of leaving his girlfriend of 9 years. We ended up picking each other and we have been together and married for 7 years in December. After the change of moving both my children and myself needed therapy to get back to a stable life. I always knew that with my daughters that there was something different but I loved them and didn't really care because God gave me the strength. I was always told because of a car accident that I will most likely never be able to have any kids. Once therapy began I got the news that a mama bear really don't want to hear. That you have a special needs child. It was a lot of work and over the years the local school didn't really help letting my kids fall farther and farther behind. A local charter school opened and the first year was great the kids grew and learned so much. This made this mama bear very happy. Last year sadly the school lost a bunch of great teachers and well those weekly meetings turned into almost daily emails and meetings. It was back to what I was dealing with in public school. The husband and I talked about homeschooling but I was also dealing with a number of health issues at the time. Sadly the stress took a toll on me and Halloween I went into the er and my blood pressure was through the roof. I was put on medication two days later and now it doesn't feel like I am running a track with no end. Shortly after Thanksgiving break I got that call you never want to hear that there has been a death threat on your child by a classmate. I wanted a police report done and the school refused to do one and distorted evidence so that nothing could be done. I asked what the school was going to do to make sure that she didn't follow through with her threat. I got told there is nothing they can do to ensure my children safety. That drew the line in the sand and the next week I pulled the kids from school and began homeschooling. I was a stay and home mom anyway so really didn't change much. It would just mean I have the kids 24 hours a day... which sometimes drives me nuts. It has been a fun ride and last year we had to spend a lot of time fixing and getting the kids up to where they are supposed to be for their grade. We are now starting year two and almost there. Still have a little bit to go but is going great and so proud. This "school year" has been a little hard over the last couple of weeks because I had to have oral surgery removing 11 of my teeth because sadly with one of my health issue it attacks different parts of my body. Well it had attacked all of my top teeth and was eating them from the inside out. Doing so much better and already gaining weight back that I lost when my teeth were so bad and couldn't really eat. Over this last year so that we could make it that I have been getting a lot of items that we need for house and person through amazon reviews which has worked very well. Each day is a new day and I have been through a lot over the last few years but I just thought that I would share a little bit of me with you. Have a great evening.  

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